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Carl last won the day on June 9

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Carl last won the day on June 9

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  1. Thanks for the demo, it was very helpful. Yes, the tween does reverse to a smaller value but it is also starting at that same value. Set the duration of the tween to 10 and you will see that as soon as you mouseenter the borders will jump to small state and then grow. I believe the main cause for the discrepancy is that your --the-size property is initially set in px but you are tweening to percent. Notice how using % for both yields consistent results https://codepen.io/snorkltv/pen/KKLXZYX?editors=0110 Since the same percent is used for the width and height the starting state will not look the same as in your example. You may need to animate width and height with different values.
  2. Hi, you can specify an endTrigger https://gsap.com/docs/v3/Plugins/ScrollTrigger/?page=1#endTrigger here is a quick example: https://codepen.io/snorkltv/pen/jOoLqNx?editors=0110 if you need something different please provide a minimal demo
  3. Glad to hear @mvaneijgen's solution worked for you. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Here is an alternate solution that isn't any better or worse but it's what I usually reach for. I was already working on it so figured I'd post anyway. The basic idea is that you create a function that creates a tween that contains an onComplete that calls the function again at a random interval https://codepen.io/snorkltv/pen/xxNLbwa?editors=0010 Going one step further you could tell the function which element to drop and now you have multiple elements following the same procedure https://codepen.io/snorkltv/pen/KKLvwMq?editors=1010
  4. wow. there's some great info and demos in here!
  5. Thanks for the image. That's a great way to try to keep track of the points. Sorry, for any confusion, but in my haste I actually had the "bar3" values duplicated in my clipPath code which is why you were seeing extra points. Thanks for catching that. I removed the extra row of values. As for the from values, you can use those point objects for each bar to come up with a totally custom starting position using a set(). In the demo below I removed the animation to hopefully make it easier to understand how each bar now has a custom y starting value https://codepen.io/snorkltv/pen/qBwMPMw For what it's worth, keeping track of all those points in the clipPath string is pretty tricky for me too, so don't feel bad if it feels like a lot ot take in. As for using svg, the post @mvaneijgen linked to is quite comprehenisve. However, below is a demo from one of my svg lessons if it helps https://codepen.io/snorkltv/pen/rNKVrYx there are now 10 clipping and masking video lessons in SVG Animation with GreenSock if you want to dive deeper.
  6. Thanks for providing the demo, it made my approach much easier than starting completely from scratch. This is a cool effect and as stated earlier, I'd probably try to use SVG for this 99% of the time. However, I was intrigued about making a more flexible clipPath approach. In the demo below I animate the y value of each bar independently using a stagger. https://codepen.io/snorkltv/pen/rNbrEra?editors=0010 In the onUpdate I glue all the values together into a giant clipPath string. Using this technique you can animate the bars from center, start, or end adjust the stagger's each amount adjust the distribution of start times with an ease (in the stagger object)
  7. Hello and welcome to the GSAP forums, If you just want a timeline to repeat a few times and then do something different at the end I would set up and repeating timeline with a callback that can play a custom animation when the repeat count reaches a certain value. In the example below the bottom flashes green after the final iteration. https://codepen.io/snorkltv/pen/poeEmWP However, since you want to scrub in GSDevTools I would create the repeating timeline and scrub through it multiple times in another timeline using tweenFromTo() In the example below the red box does not fade out (reset) on the last iteration which is what it sound like you want. https://codepen.io/snorkltv/pen/ZEZoqBV?editors=1010 Both of these approaches are explained in detail throughout my GSAP courses if you are interested in gaining a deeper understanding. Hopefully this gets you on the right track for now.
  8. I was working on a basic example, but the article from @PointC that @mvaneijgen mentioned will explain everything you need to know and more! https://codepen.io/snorkltv/pen/mdooqQX?editors=1010
  9. Thanks for the demo. In the future please add new information to new replies. Editing the first post repeatedly makes it difficult for us and others to follow the conversation. I don't know enough about swiper in react to help you with this, particularly how to reference the Swiper inside the onChange callback. However, this bare-bones example shows how to animate the active slide (change it's scale) and animate something inside it (rotate the number div) Hopefully you can find a way to apply something similar to your project https://codepen.io/snorkltv/pen/WNmzezX?editors=0011
  10. Sorry, I'm not sure I can edit it so that you easily understand it. That's why I spend hours creating video lessons that explain everything in detail. However, this is what the edited code would look like: https://codepen.io/snorkltv/pen/wvOyeYO?editors=0010 Good luck with the rest of your project
  11. it's very hard to tell without a minimal demo. it sounds like you might just be animating it to 100 multiple times which won't show any change if the y is already at 100. make sure you are increasing the y value by 100 each time. This can be done using the relative string syntax y:"+=100" gsap.to(something, {y:"+=100"})
  12. This seems just like a recent lesson from my SVG Animation with GSAP course. The general idea is that each item has it's own repeating animation created in a loop https://codepen.io/snorkltv/pen/zYyBKmG
  13. Thanks for the demo. Try setting body { overflow-x: hidden; } Or you can put your <p> element in a wrapper div that has the same css. https://codepen.io/snorkltv/pen/qBvNdWd
  14. if you want the whole wave play through and then just repeat maybe just have a timeline that repeats like so. https://codepen.io/snorkltv/pen/JjzGgVY?editors=1010 the first time I read the question I thought each line needed their own repeatDelay.
  15. thanks for the demo. I think a loop would provide the best solution / most flexibility and you could have all your tweens in a timeline that could be paused/played as normal. Here's a not-so-conventional approach using a slow() ease that is configured to end where it begins thus getting rid of the need for a yoyo. If you don't like the ease of the up-down animation you could also create a customEase with finer control over the rate of change. Here is a quick demo of the slow() ease: https://codepen.io/snorkltv/pen/oNVbKPb?editors=0010 I slowed down the stagger each amount so that you could see how the repeating works.
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